Jim’s Story

Jim O’Haco was born and raised in Winslow and has dedicated his life to the outdoors and agriculture, and range conservation projects have been a part of his family’s land management
for as far back as Jim can remember.

After decades as the primary steward of the family land, Jim decided to pursue wind as a way to keep his land in the family. His goal is simple – “All my life I want to do better, better, better” and this wind farm is a way to do just that.

Today, nearly five dozen wind turbines stretched across the landscape are already up and
running. When the wind farm is complete, it will be Arizona’s largest wind energy project and will generate enough clean energy to power 110,000 homes across the state with no operational emissions or water use.

Jim and his wife, Jeanne, are proud to see their land and their family legacy contributing so much to Arizona in a way their grandfather never could have imagined.

Fuel for Thought